but its ok!
cause im here to revive it! :D
anyway, you people have done an excellent job during nationals! (:
and oh, i was thinking of opening a chalet for the whole of cross country team after our mid course and a levels.
maybe we can ask the track and field team to join us? (:
thought of asking either mr chen or mr wong to book the chalet for us.
cause it cheaper for civil servants, in fact, much much much cheaper! :D
anyway, the links below are linked the some of the chalets in aloha changi.
the cheapest ones :p
we have to scrape and save cause we, ourselves will be sharing the cost.
and yep, i recommend the 4th one (i've been there before and its really nice! huge and quite comfortable!)
this is the link to the rates -
im not very sure about aloha loyang cause i've never been there before.
but the link is here.
feel free to voice out your comments! :D
and yep, those who have not seen the pictures taken during nationals, its in my blog (: