YEah, the title says 12DAYS TO NATIONALS!!!
So guys, good luck, all the way cuz WE'RE almosT THERE!!!!!! Even if we didn't beat our personal best, it's ok cuz like Alisa said, '' GOOD EFFORT put in for training! I know your timing may not reflect it but well done!
Persevere! '' So, ya.. I believe we'll definitely do well as ''You can only go as far as you push!'', and this surely applies to us.. WoohOo.. Quick update-
tomorrow training is@ 8.30am at Turf City.. Meet at 7.30am at Woodlands if u want =)So, i'll end off this post with Wai Ching again.. LOL... perhaps can be a reporter that specially cover on stuff on MR RANdOm of TeAM innovA already... still remembered the scene @ Clementi bus interchange when Kok Loong stared at me cuz i suddenly walk all the way over beside Wai Ching just to hear what his saying! HAHAa..Wednesday training at Turf City, during stretching for warm up- As Mr Chen didn't know Hong knew about the underwear incident, he said about it.. And to think Mr Random said ''YA,
purple'' All of us shocked again, including Mr Chen, cuz Wai Ching still admit it.. good gracious! hahaa....... Then bcuz of sth Mr C said, W.C replied '' as long as Hong achieve her objective for joining us today, she'll be happy ''.. as for the objective, shall leave it as a suspense for u guys?~ o.OMr Chen commented that Hong has lost weight, when waiting for the bus to Clementi which included W.C, K.L, MArla, Hong n me, W.c said '' it may be bcuz u are barefooted, so maybe u look thinner..'' WA.. Everyone stunned.. Den Hong said '' OK, den everyone dun wear shoes, meaning all become lighter n slimmer? haha.. ''
Outside 7 eleven, becuz we're so bored while waiting, there was a sudden silence among us.. WaicHing den said, ''wa.. still got 20 mins to the time bus arrive, why not we..'' before he finishes, i said '' Oh.. u want play Ji Ko paK?'' Dotx... sometims i think im so evil cuz i always think he wants to play this game.. Den W.C said'' ya, why not, maybe we can, i haven't played that for days.. ever since the J1 camp'' LOLZ.... So, i trigger the Ji Ko Pak thing again?! lol... den he ask who wants to play Ji Ko Pak.. Hong asked K.L to play with him cuz all of us- the girls, turned our heads away while K.L was the nearest to him, he had became player 1~! lol.. but nono, guess what happen, our MArla was ready to accept the challenge, saying '' Ok, come come, let's play.. '' All of us didnt expect it.. HAhaa.. W.c carried on with'' Ok.. this is like a Tournament.. No, let's have a Friendly Match..!'' Okie.. i wonder why Wai Ching's randomness is so interesting that if he didn't say any of them, something must be out of place.. and i guess his randomness always exist in certain part of trainings.. perhaps like some joke of the day.. but i shan't compare his randomness to jokes as his randomness is not said on purpose.. Most of the time which didnt meant to be jokes...
There's a hand sign Marla always do when she has no comments and dunno what to say in some situations.. When she did that n Hong followed after in the bus, W.C queried what's that about... ha... den Hong said this handsign he also dunno and still ask, she'll poke his eyes with the ''twist'' handsign.. oh my.. i guess W.c going to be scared of Hong cuz she wants to slap him n all that.. LOlz.. of cuz these didnt' happen... Only saying for fun as W.C always said sth to Hong dat she can't tolerate...
While going down a slope down Clementi bus interchange, W.c complained about his muscleache cux of push ups.. he said '' to me, one push up is equal to one hundred long runs''? n talked so scientifically that we are moving in acceleration.. our velocity is wat n wat.. HAHAa.. Wa.. 1push up = 1000km of dist.. i guess normal pple would think 1 push up is better than 1000km of running.. haha.. As we JAY walk the road, when a car is approaching, W.C said '' WaHahaa.. COme ahead and bang me.. '' dotdotdot..
Wed, Kok Loong almost lost his watch.. G-shock or baby G... His expression dat time was like frowning innocently and yet like going to cry any moment dat when u see his expression, it really tells u he's v v sad.. ha... luckily Da Wei and him went to find the RJC guys and got it back.. But of cuz, K.L didnt and won't cry.. it's just a kind of description to his expression..
Oh Ya.. WaiCHing thanked us for telling him that the uniform is meant to be tucked out! haha.. he didn't no that the last button was for that purpose?! oh ya.. he told Mr Chen that tucking in is his
personal belief.. w.c always talk so philosophically.. HAHaa... but in the end, our effort was in vain on teaching him that he should tuck out his shirt cuz the next day, we saw him tucking in again =.=
Alisa got a blister within a blister.. It's really very big and yet she can run & be in the first place.. Applause for her =)
Anyway, Hwa Chong guys had their heads shaved.. omg.. to reduce air resistance or a trend? Ask Mr Chen if he did that last time, '' he said no, his hair last time he's hair is short enough n guess this is a trend lately'' To some extent, perhaps it's a trend, ever since our sch whole hockey guys shaved their heads too..
After hillwork, while walking towards Mr Chen, girls- Alisa, Marla n me were discussing sth.. which is- are we going to run back?! reason being- Jemimah, Vivian n Hong were gone with the bottles, only with Mr Chen standing down the slope waiting for us.. Somehow, we gave ourselves away and asked what are we going to do next. Mr Chen then gave a secret smile & bluffed us that '' YEAH~! U'rE RIGHt! WE'rE GoinG TO RUn BACK!'' yupz.. our next expression---> O.O
in the end, we merely jogged while chatting with Mr Chen, den chit-chatting, Mr Chen said i shall be the coach of the day?! huh.. DEn the guys joined us shortly n Mr Chen said they were fast... As a whole, the whole process was..- TeAm InNOva rushing against RJC,HC,VJC,ACJC, some sec schs.. we ran in the opposite direction.. HAhaa..
cuz some pple from the other schools are walking, some of us asked why they were doing that.. Mr Chen said it's ok for them cuz the others in front are fast.. haha.. den there's a point where a ''hurdle'' exists, and a guy from one of the abv mentioned leaped across and then another stepped on the ''hurdle'' and jumped down.. Mr Chen said '' We're not going to do these stunts. CUz if any of us got injured after doing that, our team is done for it..'' ya.. the analogy- other schools' no. of x country pple were like PE class..
Again, i shall reiterate: 12 days left!!! JIA YOU!!!!!!!!
oh ya.. Realised OCOP got quite a number of crossies.. Dawei, Faris, Vivien, Winston.. HAaa... Hopefully, J1s this yr all of us can get in.. Jem, Marla n I signed up.. Hmm.. Wondered if the guys had done so.. Anyway, J1's new captain will be Sher Jie for guys and Jem for Girls.. Mr Chen said he has it planned.. Next yr after Jem will be HOng! =)
oh ya.. Mr Chen shook hands with the guys..'' You all are going to be in the school team! '' W.C said 'YEAH!' den said it's a pleasure or wat... ahhaa.. Mr Chen jokingly said: we have 8 fighting for 8... 5 fighting for 8 also for trials! haha.. cuz some pple didnt join us that day.. cuz got soccer, badminton, netball trainings.. Haa.. oh yeah.. there's a small boy Mr Chen pointed out that he'll be the next top runner when he reaches JC! hahaa..... bright future =)